左印国际美术教育总部位于深圳,是一家拥有二十余年发展历史,旗下近200家校区的美术教育连锁机构。一直以来,机构秉承国际化、高品质、创新性的发展理念,坚持将西方艺术教育体系和东方思维模式糅合并蓄。我们所追求的美术教育目标是:让更多孩子享受融贯东西的美术精品教育, 用美术精品教育激发、引导、促进孩子学习、观察、思考、动手、创造、审美诸方面能力与优秀人格的形成和全面发展,培养未来创新型国际人才。

       The headquarter of FUN-DRAWING international art educational institution is located in Shenzhen; it is a first-class consortium institution of art education in China with over a decade of development and experience. Our vision is to continue to the development and concepts of internationalization, high-quality and creativity, the institution focuses on integrating the western art education system into the traditions of Chinese art education.

    “Fun Drawing’s unique combination of Chinese and British traditions in art education gives the perfect start for a child’s creative journey.”

     The art education goal we are pursuing is: to enable more children enjoy a modern approach to art education that combines the essence of the west and the east, and inspires, guides and promotes children’s abilities to learn, to observe, to think through hands-on, creativity and aesthetics to cultivate future innovative international talents.

     “Fun Drawing’s vision is to create a learning environment that both supports and celebrates children’s creative potential.”

        FUN-DRAWING’s schools of international art education have more than 200 teachers currently, with nearly 20000 students each year. It is a leading constructive and research-oriented art training institution, FUN-DRAWING will strive to create infinite possibilities for children's art education!